Through IoT technology and in particular beacons, we connect the real to the digital world!

We set up geofence networks and activate beacons in closed networks (Point Of Sales).

At the same time, we provide a free app for smart consumer products as well as a cloud portal ( for administration, with excellent customer analytics.
By combining all of these parameters, we have the integrated miconBeacon solution.

What is a micon beacon?

Is a small, battery-powered, cloud-controlled device that transmits web content to smartphones and tablets up to 70 meters.

Makes it possible to:

  • Transmit information about any object or place

  • Create self-guided tours

  • Share content with an audience

  • Build awesome location based experiences

How beacons works?

Beacons + Cloud Portal + Free App

It’s a simple, yet powerful, combination of hardware and software.

Create mobile Proximity Campains


Increase conversion by adding call to action to your proximity campaign.

Image + Description

Show reataurant’s menu or today’s special.


Increase your customer’s engagement by adding video to your campains.


Add audio to your campaingn. Works great for tours in museums.

Use the cloud portal website to …

How it Works

1) Position beacons near to points-of-interest
2) Update their content using the cloud portal
3) Visitors with the Micon Beacon app automatically receive a notification when they arrive
4) As they move from beacon-to-beacon the content automatically changes

Customer Data Analytics

Analytics dashboard provides rich insights into your proximity campaign performance. You can evaluate each campaign based on various metrics like number of new customers, customer age & gender segments and customer flow.

What metrics can you measure?

  • Total Number of Visitors
  • New Visitors
  • Average Stay Duration.
  • New vs Returning Visitors
  • User Profile Metrics
    • Male vs Female Visitors
    • Age Groups Customer Flow
  • Customer Flow
    • Incoming Flow
    • Outgoing Flow
    • Traffic Sources
    • Traffic Destinations